Finally... the FASTEST, EASIEST and Most EFFICIENT Method of Adding *TONS* of Quality Content to Your Website!
Have you ever wished you could simply snap your fingers and content that's specific to YOUR website subject matter magically appears?
Well... wish no more my friend because that's exactly what you're about to receive.
We're talking about page after page after page of well-written content. We're talking about the kind of quality content that was previously only available to top writers and marketers on the Internet.
But the best part of all? It can all be available to YOU with just a few clicks of your mouse!
If you think it sounds too good to be true, then listen up...
New In Article Equalizer 1.5
Export snippets for Rotator feature
Bonus PHP rotator script to display dynamic content
Custom Search by keyword for downloading targeted articles
From: Jeff Alderson and Rod Beckwith
Dear Friend,
I'm guessing you've heard this expression a dozen times or more...
"content is king". And the general concensus is, the more content you place on your website, the more valuable your site becomes.
Sounds reasonable enough. After all, with quality content you'll achieve results that are absolutely necessary for online success. Things like...
- maximum search engine rank and listing
- proper keyword density and optimization
- webmaster credibility and trust
- loyal and repeat website visitors
Can you do all that by simply placing the typical one-page sales letter online? Probably not. That's the type of web page whose sole purpose is to sell a particular product or service.
And there's certainly nothing wrong with that. But the new wave on the Internet is much more involved.
Webmasters are now looking to drive targeted traffic to their sites,
Of course, if you've been operating online for more than a second or two, you've already come to realize the overwhelming task that's involved...
- You need to provide content that's relevant to your overall subject matter.
- You need to provide fresh quality content on a regular basis.
- You need to provide content that appeals to your target audience.
- You need to provide content that's guaranteed to impress both your visitors AND the all-powerful search engines.
- You need to provide an endless supply of relevant quality content.
In order to accomplish that, you'll have to invest countless hours - day after day, week after week, month after month. And considering all the other webmaster responsibilities you face each and every day, that could prove to be an impossible task.
The cold hard truth? You probably won't be able to afford the kind of time that's necessary to keep your website constantly supplied with good quality content. At least, not on a continuous basis.
So what's the answer? What can a hardworking dedicated webmaster like yourself possibly do?
Wow! Finally an application to quickly add free content to my websites.
I now have the ability to find, download, and create pages of articles relevant to my websites - all from the comfort of one desktop application!
Using the built-in article templates, I can easily customize them to fit right in with my sites look-and-feel.
Before Article Equalizer, I had to visit several different article websites to get relevant articles for my websites...
Not anymore. Article Equalizer has saved me alot of time. Job well done!
Chris McDaniel
In Just Minutes You Can Get Your Hands On
The Most Amazing Content Provider Ever Imagined!
If there's one thing I firmly believe in, it's the ability to utilize each and every means of making my online workload easier to handle. That's why I say...
"Show me a software product that can shorten, automate, excelerate, or minimize a particular task and I guarantee you I'll be on it in a heartbeat!"
But what happens if I can't find a software product that satisfies a certain need? No problem... I simply develop software that WILL do the job!
And that's exactly how the *ultimate* website content provider was born...
When it comes to delivering website content, Article Equalizer is second to none! Now you can...
- highly increase the overall value of your website... FAST
- quickly and easily locate relevant subject-related content
- build the kind of content-rich niche sites that search engines love
- build the kind of content-rich niche sites that *pull* visitors like crazy
- make your site "sticky" so visitors will keep coming back
- tap into a continuous supply of quality targeted content
- automatically insert content into pre-designed site templates
- locate and gather content for the most popular and in-demand topics
- optimize your site with the type of high quality content search engines demand
- add content pages to your website even without HTML knowledge or expertise
- keep your site "fresh" by adding new and unique content on a regular and ongoing basis
And the most important thing is that you can do it all with little or no effort whatsoever!
What a nice application this is!
I really like how easy Article Equalizer is to set up and generate a directory of articles in a very short time.
I installed the program this morning, easily added the template tokens to my current site template and generated a directory of articles that looks like the rest of my site.
All in about a 1/2 hour. And this is the first time I've used it!
Linda Bruton
A Few Simple Steps Will Add Quality Content To Your Site!

Using Article Equalizer couldn't be easier...
- set up your project by filling in a few blanks
- choose a data source and category
- collect up to 1000 articles
- generate pages from selected articles
- upload final pages to your website
All I can say is Holy Cow...
You are selling a legal license to murder the competition. Simply unbelievable!
Forget about staring blankly at a computer monitor wondering what kind of content to write...
Article Equalizer effortlessly gathers hundreds of articles that are targeted to ANY website in seconds.
Great job Jeff and Rod!
Article Equalizer is AWESOME!
I have a personal goal of adding at least one new article to each of my sites a day and within an hour of using Article Equalizer I had completed 6 months worth of work!
Thank you so much. It's time for a vacation.
Lisa Cope
There's Only One Step Left For You To Take!
One question...
What's it worth for you to have an ENDLESS supply of quality content added to your site?
If you hired a professional writer, the cost could easily run you thousands of dollars. Plus, you would have to pay someone each and every time you wanted NEW content added.
And that's yet another important benefit of Article Equalizer... you purchase it outright so you get to use it over and over and over again.
That means a continuous supply of highly targeted and relevant content is at your fingertips ANYTIME you need it. With just a few clicks of your mouse...
Add to your existing website... Build dozens of individual niche sites...
It's entirely up to you!
And now... with an unbelievable introductory price of ONLY $97 you can't afford NOT to take advantage of this incredible software!
Article Equalizer is truly a powerful piece of content building software!
I used to spend hours searching for and downloading free reprintable articles from multiple sources. Now with Article Equalizer, I can download all those articles within minutes.
What a HUGE time-saver!
It accelerates my site building cycle, so I can build more sites and generate more revenue in less time.
William Shi
And You Should Know This...
When you pick up your copy today, you'll also get FREE Upgrades... A $97.00 dollar value that repeats itself time and time again!
This means your copy of Article Equalizer won't become outdated and obsolete. Instead, you get all of the latest features, usability improvements, and other advancements to make sure you never lose your investment!

You Can't Lose With Our Own Personal
100% Money Back Guarantee!
Because we're so confident you're going to love Article Equalizer, we're willing to extend an ironclad, 100% money back guarantee. Order Article Equalizer right now. Try it out and put it to the test! If you aren't completely satisfied, then we don't want your money. Simply contact us anytime within 60 days and we'll refund all of your money! Fair enough?
Get Your Copy Of "Article Equalizer" Now For Only $97
You can download it right now -- even if it's 2:00 a.m.!
Jeff Alderson
Rod Beckwith
P.S. Here's a real eye-opener... in the time it took you to read this letter, other webmasters have added dozens (if not hundreds) of new content-rich pages to their websites!
P.P.S. The clock is ticking - get your own copy of Article Equalizer and start adding quality content to YOUR site right away!
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